Publication date
- Name of owner/contractor/subcontractor:
- York Condominium Corporation No. 192
- Address:
- 1135 Logan Avenue, East York, Ontario M4K 3Y2
- Description of the premises:
- A condominium building, the work to be completed in both common element spaces and individually owned units
- Name of contractor/subcontractor::
- Canadian Design and Construction Inc.
- Address:
- 3095 Wolfedale Rd, Unit#B-3 Mississauga, ON L5C 1V8
- The owner/contractor/subcontractor will not pay the following amount required to be paid under sections 26 and 27 of the Construction Act:
- The full amount of the holdback, being $:
- $192,685.20
- [If applicable] A copy of any notice of non-payment of holdback from the contractor/subcontractor is enclosed.
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