Certificate of Completion
Form ID
Publication date
Location of premises
Ottawa-Carleton Region
City of Ottawa
City of Ottawa
ROPEC Water Lab Expansion Project No.: CR003158
- Date substantially performed:
- Date certificate signed:
- Name of Owner
- City of Ottawa
- Address of Owner
- 111 Lisgar Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 2L7
- Name of Contractor
- Garvey Construction Ltd.
- Address of Contractor
- 1344 Labrie St., Ottawa, ON K1B 1A6
- Name of Certifier
- Peter J. Kindree Architect
- Address of Certifier
- Suite 202, 370 Churchill Avenue N., Ottawa, ON K1Z 5C2
Identification of Premises
All and singular those certain parcels and tracts of lands and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of Ottawa, more particularly described as follows and registered in the Land Registry Office: PIN 04391-0899 Part Lots 13, 14 and 15 Concession 10P, Part 1, Plan 5R-3492 Subject to NS80350 and NS85052 City of Ottawa, formerly City of Gloucester