Certificate of Substantial Performance
Form ID
F9-102283Publication date
- Cit of Toronto
- Alexandra Park - Phase 2A, City of Toronto
- This is to certify that the contract for the following improvement:
- Contract Item 1: Site Preparation; Contract Item 2: Sanitary Sewer; Contract Item 3: Storm Sewer; Contract Item 4: Water Distribution; Contract Item 5: Internal Roadworks (Base Works); Contract Item 6: Others as Stipulated in Scope of works and tender documents
- To the above premises was substantially performed on:
- March 31, 2023
- Date certificate signed:
- November 28, 2024
- Name of owner:
- Toronto Community Housing Corporation
- Address for service:
- 931 Yonge Street, Toronto ON M4W 2H2
- Name of contractor:
- Metric Contracting Services Corporation
- Address for service:
- 34 Bramtree Court Brampton, ON L6S 5Z7
- Name of payment certifier:
- Address:
- 65 Sunray Street, Whitby, ON L1N 8Y3
- Identification of premises for preservation of liens:
- Alexandra Park - Phase 2A, City of Toronto
- Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien:
- 931 Yonge Street, Toronto ON M4W 2H2