Comments on: Canada has nothing to fear over Britain鈥檚 RAAC turmoil
Canada's construction newsTue, 12 Sep 2023 18:29:57 +0000
By: Marshall Leslie
Tue, 12 Sep 2023 18:29:57 +0000/?p=343675#comment-57226If Canada has “nothing to fear over Britain鈥檚 RAAC turmoil” it is only because most of the autoclaved aerated concrete slab and deck problems in our country have already been fixed. Domtar Construction Materials (for whom I worked until 1982) sold “Siporex” as a light weight deck system for about 20 years. At the time, Domtar was Canada’s largest gypsum producer/manufacturer and a gypsum filled concrete system seemed like a nice adjunct to the rest of its product line. Well, it wasn’t … As many ICI roofing contractors and school boards especially in Ontario will tell you. And were he still alive Raymond Moriyama would have said exactly the same thing. I had dinner with him about 30 years ago, and when I confessed that I had worked for Domtar, he lit right into me. But he was right … The system failed.